The Joslyn brings people together to explore art across time and cultures. Our vision is to broaden our collection, invigorate our programs, bolster our organization, and open our doors wider to everyone. We are art-centered, inclusive, responsible, and dynamic.
Board & Staff
Board of Governors

Welcome from Jack F. Becker, PhD, Joslyn Art Museum Executive Director & CEO
After a period of closure for new construction and renovations, The Joslyn is open again to all. Awaiting you is an incredible new building, more art in more galleries, reimagined programming, updated amenities, and a fresh Museum experience, inside and out. We began with the introduction of this new, growing website (be sure to bookmark it) and our new brand identity, which reflects both historical undertones and our regenerative spirit. During this exciting time in our history, there is still nothing better than seeing people here at The Joslyn, connecting with art and each other. We look forward to welcoming you.