A group of people are dramatically illuminated as they are splashed with water. The scene is energetic and chaotic, with water droplets suspended in the air, capturing a moment of intense movement. One person is lying on the ground.

Bill Viola: The Raft

Mar 29, 2025 – Aug 24, 2025

Bill Viola was a central figure in video art for more than fifty years. Known for his immersive moving image and sound installations, Viola explored topics including spirituality, community, the cycle of life, and the power of the natural world. Captured in slow-motion, The Raft is a startling and poignant depiction of what unfolds during and after a crisis. The video opens on a diverse group of individuals who gather for unknown reasons. Their collective demeanor projects ease, even boredom, yet Viola’s ominous soundtrack suggests that something is amiss, and the once-calm scene soon turns chaotic. As the situation devolves, the subjects’ responses span curiosity to bewilderment, panic to heroism, and suffering to relief. Against the backdrop of increasing social, economic, and environmental instability, The Raft is both a warning and a remarkable display of the human capacity for resilience.

Pictured: Bill Viola (1951—2024), The Raft, May 2004, color high-definition video projection, 10 min. 33 sec. Performers: Sheryl Arenson, Robin Bonaccorsi, Rocky Capella, Cathy Chang, Liisa Cohen, Tad Coughenour, James Ford, Michael Irby, Simon Karimian, John Kim, Tanya Little, Mike Martinez, Petro Martirosian, Jeff Mosley, Gladys Peters, Maria Victoria, Kaye Wade, Kim Weild, and Ellis Williams. © Bill Viola Studio 2025. Courtesy Bill Viola Studio and James Cohan, New York.

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